I have noticed lately that some of us are posting some rather ungrateful comments on photo contributions, especially where we feel the lady isn't as nude or lewd as we'd like her to be.
All women are different, feel differently about their bodies, and exist in different stages of modesty. While one woman may feel perfectly comfortable taking it all off and showing us every vivid detail, another may be more shy. She may need gentle and positive encouragement.
I've seen many a shy woman emerge from her shell over the years, once she is made to feel accepted and comfortable, and some have gone on to shock even me. On the other hand, I assure you if a woman is made to feel as though her contribution isn't good enough, the chances of ever seeing more of her quickly fall to somewhere between slim and none.
Might I suggest we try to keep in mind that, with a little positive encouragement, we may just find that we've nurtured the little spark into the roaring flame. We may even create that long-awaited monster.
I agree with those who started this post I know my self my wife is thinking twice about postting any more because of the comments I think those who continuesly post bad comment on a persons post should be put on some kind of restrictions or banned and or limited on commenting as I have 3 or 4 people that insist on throwing insults at my and my wife and the posts we put up. I know at the top of every post it says who put the post up so they know who they don't like looking at then they don't have to look and can skip over those they do not with to see. But no the insist on going all the way down the post and insulting the person in the pics and the person posting. this is wrong and I would like to see a stop put to it. I could report bad comments for about an hour or more a day and I am getting sick of it.
Would be nice to have a link to this thread on the main page :). We've been posting for a little while now and only recently have started getting rude or downright mean comments on the pics. It's getting to the point to where we're gonna only be posting pics in the member section because the free section and live chat for that matter have been going to crap lately. Too many people using the anonimity of the internet to act out and be complete assholes even though they personally won't post any information about themselves or pics.
Jeez, Miru, I started reading your post and couldn't even finish without running to your profile to get a peek at that amazing behind.
What I'm seeing is actual rude comments on the photo posts. Not explicit, but like "ewww I wanna vomit" type shit, which absolutely sucks.
A male friend recommended this site to me because he knew I liked the erotic chat. Obviously the site is more than that & I enjoy all it offers. I chat regularly with a number of the males who asked me to post pictures. The pics I posted were what they requested. And I could care less what anyone else thinks.
As previously mentioned by others, posts are not always to everyone’s liking. But the person posting the pictures gets to decide their content. And the person viewing, if you don't like what you see, that little "X" in the corner will put you out of your misery. There is absolutely no reason to leave nasty comments on someone’s post or profile. I look at posts both male & female & it is disgusting to see someone called a slut, a cunt, gross, etc. or in the case of the males a fag.
But if someone leaves a nasty/rude comment, whether it is on my post/profile or someone else’s, I write on their profile U let them know exactly what I think of them. Someone needs to put these jackasses in their place. If you look at the profile comments for some of these people, everyone is telling them to f**k off. So the question is WHY ARE THE ALLOWED TO CONTINUE TO COMMENT ON POSTS????
Ed, you would not have a site if it were not for the female members chatting, posting & camming. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion & has their own preference when it comes to what they like in a male or female. However, no one, male or female, that puts themselves out there for everyone else to see should be subjected to negative feedback. Something needs to be done about the repeat offenders. And that goes for those that are constantly kicked out of the chat room, only to come back again with the same rude behavior.
A female in the chat room the other night said someone made her cry after saying something nasty about her. That is just unacceptable. People should not be made to feel insecure about themselves because others think they can say whatever the hell they want to.
Chat room rule #1 is BE POLITE!! I think that should apply to all aspects of your site. And those who cannot follow it should get the "boot" permanently.
Another friend had me check out his pics on another site. Right above the comment box on that site it reads "be rude & your account will be closed immediately". Sounds like a good policy to me!!
Although It's only a handful,..It's the pushy assholes, that for some reason, think that we all care about winning. Not even the case...
They (the assholes) try to hold all of us hostage by saying rude shit or acting like giving us a score of 5 or 6 til we show something is going to make us hurry. Funny.... I do it because my husband and I enjoy it, not even for the contest....
So...... I was going to show some tit in my next post..... I'm not now! Ha! No tit, ass, pussy (bare anyway).... Til..... well i'm not sure....
milfc has it nailed pretty much (no pun intended) lol, on what she said in her post...
Good for you funstuff!! Some of the rude guys & they know who they, are forget that no one has to cam or post pics. And that the person doing so will do whatever they are comfortable with, nothing more!!
And, guys, I am not talking about the fun banter that goes on between the cammers & the chat room. I am talking about the outright rude jackasses who think they have the right to demand things of the cammers & leave rude/nasty comments on posts or profiles.
If what you see is too tame for you, go find yourself a professional porn site!
Just 1 or 2 more things.... I have to say, I have not ran into the (asshole comment postings) as of yet (but we've only posted once....pfft.. except for the (you get higher then a 6 if you do something), dont remember exactly what was said lol!!) F'm.... I'm going by the comments I've read on others post.
And I was wondering what about the comments that are in a foreign language? Is there a way to see what they say?.. without a foreign language dictionary? We will never know if there good or bad comments..... hummm, that may not be such a bad thing, after thinking about
Yes, Browneyes is right..... you don't like it move on, get your self a magazine or see if another site will put up with your shit!
(other comments deleted because of content)
Maybe we need a wall of shame for these people.
If their responses get flagged x number of times, they go to a moderator for review to make sure they really are being rude and not victimized. Then, if they are among the rude comment gang, they can be publicly shown for what they are. Put a "this user has been found to be rude" on their profile and a little thumb-down icon on their pic, so anyone who sees them anywhere knows exactly what they are.