PV Spokesmodel???   Reply to topic

Posted On: 29 Apr, 2010 at 04:05 AM eyeballs eyeballs
16 Oct, 2009
Posts: 358

i don't want this to be one man's opinion, i'm asking for yours too.
we adore & admire our models for their beauty, their gracefullness, the sense of humor that it takes to be a good sport & say "yeah,alright, i'll let the guys have a peak (how many of us machos can do it, with a smile yet????huh??
come to think of it, who the hell would wanna look!!)

that said, i've run across a couple models that are so far ahead of me that on my best day i would'nt be able to keep up (some amazing partners, there!).

one such model is "philippahh". take a look at her profile. this woman is the fantasy of site like PV, she is a true blue fun loving exhibtionist & she doesn't give a damn who knows it if they don't wanna have fun!

i think the boss should hire her as PV's spokesmodel, do longer photo sets & video with her with good professional equipment, maybe make appearances/interviews representing the site, etc.

if not forever, maybe a different featured model quarterly, with long professional shoots & some payolla. well what do the rest of you think?

check her out & come back!

Posted On: 18 May, 2010 at 07:31 AM eyeballs eyeballs
16 Oct, 2009
Posts: 358

there are a BUNCH of models that might fill the bill.
i simply haven't come across anyone else who has exhibitionism as a fun, enthusiastic part of their lives like this couple.

c'mon guys/gals (& boss), take a look at her profile/contributions & lets get some opinions on this board!

Posted On: 19 May, 2010 at 10:35 AM Hiwayman55 Hiwayman55
17 May, 2008
Posts: 218

I think the site members have spoken already. Dream Maker is a more than worthy choice. As far as philppahh goes, no one can deny the caliber of her body. But I can univocally state here and now, I will never vote for a person to represent this site that does not show their face. Sorry. Hope y'all understand. And fuck you if you don’t.

PS I think it is obvious that philppahh is almost certainly beautiful but she has chosen to keep her identity secret. She can't be Wonderwoman, because she lives in Italy. She may be some other super-hero who is kinky but can't show their face. Who are we to make her chose between Queen and PV?

Posted On: 20 May, 2010 at 05:39 AM eyeballs eyeballs
16 Oct, 2009
Posts: 358

that makes perfect sense!
Dream maker IS the current reigning queen & rightfully so.

THAT would be the right way to go. if PV doesn't want to promote itself with a spokesmodel, so be it.

but wouldn't it be fun, now that dream maker was voted Miss PV to treat her (and us) to a couple sessions with a professional photographer & let her enjoy some polished portraits for a lifetime??

Posted On: 20 May, 2010 at 06:20 AM Hiwayman55 Hiwayman55
17 May, 2008
Posts: 218

Something like that would be nice. Maybe a quarterly high-res shoot.

Posted On: 26 Jun, 2010 at 03:09 AM nopolys nopolys
25 Jun, 2009
Posts: 41

I think ya'll need to consider site involvement as well... dream maker is very involved with this site... as is Dutchess, SarahLou, Destiny and others. it's a personal choice on who ya like best, and I think all the names mentioned by everyone would be great choices.

(Back to silent perv mode)

Posted On: 1 Aug, 2010 at 06:36 AM beamergi beamergi
19 Jan, 2010
Posts: 1

I am of course her biggest fan here, but what about Beamergrl??

Posted On: 1 Aug, 2010 at 07:43 PM lookalot lookalot
20 Dec, 2009
Posts: 175

How about a "ten pics each" competition of our PV models, who would like to be spokes models? Models could be chosen by a combination of site involvement and pic ratings, but to be fair we'd have to figure out a way that only registered users can vote, so they can vote only once...and prevent new accounts for a few days, so nobody can crank out new voters.

Posted On: 14 Aug, 2010 at 07:35 AM eyeballs eyeballs
16 Oct, 2009
Posts: 358

yep, some good insights & suggestions.

in the end, i guess it IS a personality contest. who could represent us?

my suggestion stands: phillippa & her hubby are REAL (fun) excibitionanists.
it was just a suggestion. i thought it would be a great motivator.

take care...