Not even a thank you from the ladies!   Reply to topic

Posted On: 4 Apr, 2011 at 06:01 PM restlessjoe restlessjoe
12 Oct, 2010
Posts: 191

How would you guys feel after giving a nice comment & voting for the same ladies time & again without even getting a thank you message? I've cum to the conclusion never to comment nor vote for the ladies who do not appreciate my effort. I will only comment & vote for those ladies who reciprocrate.

Posted On: 5 Apr, 2011 at 01:51 AM funstuff funstuff
2 Dec, 2009
Posts: 878

Isn't their contributions saying thanks? You making nice comments on their pictures is what helps them to continue posting their pictures.

Please dont take this wrong, but they should never have to repond to anyone they dont want to. I do know there is some that go right down the list and say thanks to everyone and thats so very sweet, but for those who dont,.... well you like them enough to say thank you for posting pictures, at that point I think they've done their "job" their "part" "task".

It's kind of a win - win situation for all involved dont ya think. Dont get upset some are here just to post and some are here for other stuff, some reply, some dont.. And one last thing, dont think just because they dont reply back, that don't mean they don't appreciate your nice comments because thats totally NOT the case, they all love it.

so keep it up!!!! :)

hi everyone.......... :) xxoo

Posted On: 5 Apr, 2011 at 09:56 AM browneyes16 browneyes16
22 May, 2010
Posts: 659

You're right funstuff, it's a personal preference as to whether or not someone responds to comments. And people are here for different reasons.

Personally, I respond to those that leave comments on my posts & on my profile, as well as those that email me. Provided the email gremlins don't steal my emails before I read them lol. But you know I enjoy chatting with people. Plus I don't like people to think I am rude or ignoring them.

But, I have to be honest that thought never entered my mind when I first posted. I only started responding after someone in the room mentioned that she did. And based on my conversations with the guys, it makes them feel appreciated in the same fashion the post comments & votes make the women feel appreciated.

But sometimes there is a downside to responding to people or leaving comments on the male posts. A minor few think it is an open invitation to your personal email address, messenger id, phone number or even a cam session. And lets not forget the handful of RUDE non-premium members that believe you HAVE to email them your pics or cam on messenger because they can't access those things on PV. You can ask, just don't demand. And if the answer is NO, leave it at that.

FYI guys, for those I have chatted with who may be reading this & thinking "is she talking about me?". I pull no punches, if I had an issue with you, I would have told you so.

Posted On: 5 Apr, 2011 at 05:37 PM restlessjoe restlessjoe
12 Oct, 2010
Posts: 191

My oriental culture teaches us to say thank you to the giver even though the
gift may not be useful. In doing so, it will make the giver happy and ever willing to give more in future. This way, both parties are in a win win situation. That's what we call the universal law of true balance & grace.

Posted On: 5 Apr, 2011 at 06:32 PM pinklicker pinklicker
13 Jun, 2009
Posts: 271

I will make this simple. I comment to show my appreciation for there contribution. A thank you is nice but I expect nothing in return. And besides can you really sit there and talk about effort?? What it take you 30 seconds to type a comment. The real effort goes to the ladies posting. First to show your body on a site like this, then consider all the poses and pictures taken to get some that they feel are good enough to post. I'm sorry but guys shouldn't whine about effort. Just be thankful that they share there pics.

Posted On: 5 Apr, 2011 at 06:48 PM holliebaby holliebaby
30 Dec, 2010
Posts: 89

I really try hard to send as many responses as I can, but with a full time job and family stuff there is just so much time in the day and sometimes I know I fall short. I really do appreciate all the comments, and I am sure all the other models do also. Please keep making them!

Posted On: 5 Apr, 2011 at 07:40 PM pinklicker pinklicker
13 Jun, 2009
Posts: 271

Hollie you hit the nail on the head. Women sometimes get a 100 comments or more. The time it take to go through them and thank everyone takes time. Sorry but I'm sure the ladies here have a life. They don't have all day to reply to comments. Again guys. Just be thankful they post.

Posted On: 7 Apr, 2011 at 05:03 PM restlessjoe restlessjoe
12 Oct, 2010
Posts: 191

I'm doing great hanginout. If all the ladies stop posting, then you would have more spare time to write jokes! I luv reading your jokes, also pinklicker's too.
You guys are really good at it. Btw, if you guys , hanginout & pinklicker, ever cum to Malaysia for a holiday, get in touch with me. I'll be glad to show you around. Have a great day guys.

Posted On: 7 Apr, 2011 at 09:27 PM restlessjoe restlessjoe
12 Oct, 2010
Posts: 191

You could write more jokes then, hanginout. I luv to read them. Pinklicker is good too. Both of you could team up and cum up with an ebook of jokes! Can make lots of cash, then cum to Malaysia & pay me a visit. I'll be glad to show you guys around.

P.S. I'm doing great hanginout. What about you?
Have a great day everyone.

Posted On: 7 Apr, 2011 at 10:13 PM eyeballs eyeballs
16 Oct, 2009
Posts: 358

hey resless joe! hoe YOU post yer nekkid hairy ass online?
we'll leave comments & then U can THANK us!! better? (i want this to be fun for YOU, bud!)

malaysia???i usedta hafta KILL guys there! wot? U somekinda commie!????
(we're not gonna be friends i don't think) fok off!