MILF SEX ON BIZ TRIP   Reply to topic

Posted On: 13 Mar, 2011 at 07:04 PM sweetsusie sweetsusie
13 Jul, 2009
Posts: 5

I've had some fun over the years. When I do my husband likes to hear all about it, and then he'll write down the details so he can keep them for later. Husband is away for a week, so I am looking through the stories and they are pretty sexy. Here's one for you to read:

A few years ago my wife had to travel to LA for a business trip. From previous stories you will know that she has occasionally had sex with another guy. Usually every few years or so. And typically with someone she already knows. This time she was in LA for just a few days and was staying a nice hotel. She was there with two other people from her work. It was the end of the day and the team headed back to the hotel on the last day of the trip. As it happens, there was some sort of adult industry or porn promotional event being hosted on one of the suites in the hotel. Not something we typically see every day, but I am guessing this might be more routine for you folks in the LA / OC area. One of Susie’s co-workers saw a sign that said that Ron Jeremy was at the event, and they made some jokes about that, Susie had no idea who that was.

The team had freshened up and was on the elevator on the way down to have dinner in the hotel bar. Susie (who is 5’2” petite strawberry blonde with blue eyes, C cup breast and approx 110 lbs) was wearing a crisp white business blouse and a charcoal grey pin striped skirt and heals. On the way down Susie was in the elevator with one of her male co-workers and the elevator doors opens at the floor where this party is being held. The lobby was semi-full of various people and you could hear the music and chatter from the big event. The people on the elevator were treated to a view of some pretty sexy looking female guests dressed provocatively, and there were a few women dressed as cheerleaders as well as various men, some good looking some not so. In walks this guy with two women on his side. Susie’s co-worker made a comment in passing like “Cheerleaders? Now, that looks like a fun party.” and the guy on the elevator said it was a pretty decent event. He said it had something to do with the adult toy industry, (I can’t remember exactly what she told me it was) and said he had three passes that they weren’t using anymore if they wanted them. Susie said something like: “Oh, I don’t think we would quite fit in at the party, cheerleaders and all.” The guy stares right at her tits and said “Oh, you’ve got what it takes to be at that party.” She kinda laughed but felt a little uncomfortable as she was with a co-worker and the guy was kinda leering and not really very good looking. He said, Held out the 3 passes and said, Besides, it’s a business event, nothing too crazy, the cheerleaders are there as a promotional thing, and these passes with get you free drinks at the event. As he his hand stuck out in front of her with the tickets she felt it might be rude to not take them, and she didn’t have to go if she didn’t want to, so she took them with the intention of not going. They got off the elevator and Susie headed toward the bar/restaurant with her co-worker who turned to her and said “Holy crap that was crazy! Do you know who just gave to those tickets?” She looked at him funny and he said Ron Jeremy just gave you those tickets.” Agaign she looked at him like he had two heads. “Ron Jeremy is a big time porn star for something like the last 20 years or so. just got tickets to an adult toy industry from Ron Jeremy” He shook his head and laughed as they walked into the restaurant for dinner.

So they had dinner and a few drinks. And the guys kidded her about the incident on the elevator, endless jokes and she laughed about it too. They finished dinner and one guy was going up to do some emails and Susie said to the other guy, let’s go get those free drinks at the party and see what it’s all about. So up they go. The party was coming to an end, the room was thinning out, but they had their drink or two and spoke to a few people from the industry. People seemed more focused on other conversations other than the cheerleaders or sex, so it was not too strange an event after all...if you could get past the cheerleaders and the occasional signage with scantily clad women holding various sex toys. LOL. A couple guys and a woman had managed to strike up a conversation with Susie and her co-worker, and before too long they were all laughing and carrying on conversations as you would expect at a networking event. One of the guys in particular had caught her attention, his name was Brad, and he was about 6 feet tall short brown hair blue eyes and lean and fit. He was maybe 10 years younger than her (she was 41). Brad was standing next to Susie and she felt like he was flirting with her. She said she felt a buzzed from the wine at dinner and drinks at the event, and she said she sure knew that SHE was flirting with him! LOL. As he spoke he would occasional touch her back as the group interacted, and she felt the touch like a trigger that got her heart beating like she was a nervous teenager hoping the start foot ball player would ask her out.

It was getting late and the party was pretty much over, so they all said they had better get going. Susie said she was going to try to get one more drink from the bar, but returned empty handed with a frown. Bar was closed, she said she even batter her eyes and did the pout thing to try to get that drink. “Well, we could have one more at the bar down in the lobby of the hotel.” Brad said. “I’ll even buy.” He winked at Susie. The co-worker declined as they had that flight to catch the next day, so Susie sadly said she should call it a night too. As they left the event, they were handing out gift bags to the guest and they still had a few left. Susie took hers and as they waited for the elevator with Bard and his buddy and the other woman (who turned out to be Brad’s buddy’s girlfriend), they all looked at their haul. In the bag were various flyers and a cream or lotions and also a little travel vibrator! They all make a crack or two and got on the elevator. Co-worker guy got off on his floor first, and as they road down a few more floors Brad started to pursued Susie to join them for one more drink. Susie was tipsy, and horny, and flirty, which is an interesting combination, so she agreed. It didn’t take too much to convince her, now that her college was not present.
Brad was happy and led everyone to the lounge where they seated themselves in a dim section with a coffee table and some LA club like slinky low back sofas and lounge arm chairs. They ordered drinks and started going through the gift bags. Brad was in the adult industry as was his buddy’s girlfriend, so they had all sorts of stories to tell. Susie was curious so they had some pretty interesting things to discuss, and the crazy parties and events were both amusing but also made her feel relaxed and even more horny. Brad had style all right, and she was loving his style. She couldn’t tell if he was a porn star or a business man (and thought she would look stupid for asking), and they never really came around to saying so, but Susie said they were both good looking enough be porn stars. Especially considering what that Ron Jeremy looks like, she told me later.

So after the second drink at the lounge, Brads buddy and girlfriend say they have to get going. Cindy, the girlfriend had to be at some location early in the morning. So off they go and it’s just Brad and Susie. During the third drink in the lounge (probably Susie 7th that evening) Brand and Susie got a little closer and more animated and touchy. At one point the gift bag gets knocked over and the travel vibrator rolls out onto the table, all to hilarious burst of laughts from Brad and Susie. He picks it up and turns it on and places in standing up like a candle and sits back on the slinky sofa along with Susie and they are giggling. They are both shoulder to sholder and he put his hand on her leg just above her knee as they laugh and look at the vibrator, which is now moving along the table towards them and the edge. Finally it falls off right onto Susie’s foot. Again – burst of laughter from them both. Until Brad leans over and – keeping his one hand on her inner leg above the knee, collects the vibrator and starts to run it up the inside of her calf, slowly working it upward. She stops laughing and sort of bites her lower lip with a devilish smirk. He looks at her, and seeing no resistance, keeps moving it up slower. Behind her knee, she gets a little skirmish at this point, but her heart starts beating and she said she started to get a bit wet and hot as he continues up, now running the toy along her thigh. They are at the back of a nearly deserted lounge and fairly protected from plain sight, and so she wasn’t too concerned but this would typically not be something she would do. She said it was the combination of the drinks, the out of town thrill, the glamour of LA, the party, the conversation and Brad than melted her senses.

Susie slipped down a bit lower in her recline on the sofa, and this caused her skirt to move up a bit. Brad slowly brought the vibrator higher on Susie’s thigh, and she started to close her eye’s and held her hand over top of Brads other hand which was on her outer leg. Brad moved the vibrator slowly up and now that last inches of her thigh required her to open her legs if she wanted him to go any higher. She did. As she parted her legs he brought the vibrator to her panty clad pussy and started a slow circular motion. Susie said she could feel the vibrations making her wetter and hotter, her nipples came to life and were hard as rocks. She started to arch her back a bit and Brad took his other hand and started to gently squeeze her breast and circle her nipples and he leaned down and they started to kiss. Within a minute Susie had a major orgasm right there in the lounge. She said I would have loved the sight. The she was a vibrator up her skirt, hair all dishevelled and her blouse had a few buttons undone. She grinned at herself.

Brad asked her if she had a room, which of course she did, but she thought that was a smooth way to get to the point without right out asking if he could fuck her. She said “Yes and I want you in it.” They got to her room and she started to undress him, taking lead. She said he was perfect, lean a total hunk and had a picture perfect cock. She stared to give him a blow job, and after he was hard she said he must have been 8 or 9 inches, she said it was the biggest she had ever held. He got her undressed and (thankfully) he pulled out condoms from his jacket and put one on. She laid back on the bed and he pulled to toward the edge and while standing slowly eased himself in, inch by inch to her pussy. He would pull out every now and then and start to like her clit and eat her out. Then he would resume. He got her up it h bed and got behind her as they laid down and had sex from behind while cupping her tits and he stroked her at the same time. She was loving his talents and she had another orgasm while her stroked her and plunged in and out.

After he came, he took the tiny vibrator out again and used it on her one last time and gave her a tongue bath and made her cum one more time. She said it was an incredible night. She told all this to me while we were in out hot tub and she was riding me in spurt and had to stop as she told this to me or I would have blown my load too soon. She finished her story and then rode me to orgasm. It was awesome!!!

Posted On: 14 Mar, 2011 at 03:31 AM eyeballs eyeballs
16 Oct, 2009
Posts: 358

COULD have been interesting, but too damn long for a post. we'll see wot other responses U get...(i'm in YOUR corner, there's a sexy story there to be told!)