Like I said I just express my opinion, that's me, others I know will think otherwise, and that's their opinion, and they have their right to it just as I do.. oops sorry I said I was done with the subject, my Bad...
to set the record straight...regarding vaginal size not penis size...
According to women's health expert Dr Jennifer Wider, the average diameter of the vagina is between 2 and 3.5cm. So I suppose, if your weed is narrower than that ....and I doubt it is ... it might be "baggy"
Other than that...according to experts, though a vagina can stretch to accomodate penises (of all sizes), tampons, and yes a baby... it bounces back :) the exception to that being
the first time changes size because a portion (the heimen sp) is broken and that doesnt' repair itself.
SOoooo.... enough already with the you screwed someone too big and its your problem if my penis gets lost in there garbage. It's a preference thing about penises and vaginas...
and ...its kinda personal...
Myths are just there to make people feel uncomfortable about their bodies I swear.
Although I did hear Nate's is big...
his mouth i mean....not his vagina LOL
LMFAO Ava...poor Nate, wait, what???? Nate has a vagina?
So you don't think after a woman has had a fist up in her vagina numerous times that it wouldn't stretch out that va j j, I would think in some cases it could get ripped.. what I was saying was some not all ladies might be stretched out. Some people just read into things that I say wrong.... comprehension is what they need..
All I know is my lady "madamx" (aka SP) says my cock is just right for her ,,,and thats not an opinion thats a fact ; ) well she really did say that ,,,,lol,,,
I used to think it didn't really matter........then I experienced a large one attached to someone who knew what to do with it and DAMN nothing better than that. I think knowing what to do with it is an essential component though.
Say what you all will, but I managed to hit two vaginal walls at the same time once...and Ava, 3cm is a canyon to some of us...
This is how I see it ,,,I have what I have and she has what she has and we both aim to please one another ,and so far it seems to be working and we have had a few years experience lol ; )
We have never brought any measuring tools to our bedroom ,,,,,,,,,,
But some deem it a requirement to brag on what they think they have, and like u said it is what is, don't like it fuck, you then.. simple right.. my point of view only
Dont think I am long enough to hit your mind, but I would probably fit nicely in a nostril or ear...