Is this a Porn site or a Knitting Circle site ??   Reply to topic

Posted On: 31 Jan, 2019 at 06:26 PM Singleman72 Singleman72
16 Feb, 2013
Posts: 811

Why is it that whenever someone says a few cuss words or josts with someone in the chat room they get booted or banned, its getting pretty petty in here to me.. they just should get rid of the Block button, its of no use.. just need to cry a little and the other person gets booted, its a Porn room ppls, not a knitting circle.. and you wonder why I stay away sometimes for days...

Posted On: 31 Jan, 2019 at 09:42 PM stony3 stony3
23 Apr, 2009
Posts: 6

Could not have said it better.

Posted On: 1 Feb, 2019 at 11:09 PM funstuff funstuff
2 Dec, 2009
Posts: 834

Well I do hope no one is getting booted or banned for cursing because i say all kinds of curse words when i'm in there and Im mod i'd have to boot or ban myself, here is s few examples. ( cunt, fuck,cock- add suckers sometimes, twat, asshole, motherfucker, son of a bitch, prick, pussy, dick.. Also friendly banter should be allowed as well, but total abuse of someone will get a foot up your arse. Can't be thinned skinned in chat rooms, you have to be able to adult up somewhat. I have been absent as of late but if I need to cum in there and straighten shit out i will. :)

funstuff xxoo

Posted On: 2 Feb, 2019 at 12:44 AM carsonx26 carsonx26
22 Oct, 2017
Posts: 291

Think you should stop trying to.look up my skirt/towel. Might have more luck with the ladies that way...just a thought

Posted On: 2 Feb, 2019 at 05:18 AM carsonx26 carsonx26
22 Oct, 2017
Posts: 291 that's the best joke I've hear all day. Thank you, I needed that laugh. And for the record, have never picked on anyone in the room...not even jb. May have shown him the door early a time or two, but we've talked about and he understands why.

As far as me thinking PV revolves around really don't know star, that's not me. But whatever, you just keep being you.

Posted On: 2 Feb, 2019 at 02:47 PM Singleman72 Singleman72
16 Feb, 2013
Posts: 811

Funs your just too cute, no boot but Fucccckkkkkkkkkkkk me please :-))

Posted On: 3 Feb, 2019 at 09:53 PM Singleman72 Singleman72
16 Feb, 2013
Posts: 811

I wanna know where all this gash is I am suppose be getting, am I missing something ??.. lol

Posted On: 4 Feb, 2019 at 10:24 PM avadamnava avadamnava
25 Apr, 2018
Posts: 197

Will cars be naked when he picks on me?
Cuz if he is I am not gonna say don’t pick on me.

Besides everyone knows only min picks on me

Ps. Are the mods getting pink hats? Cuz they deserve bunny ears for Easter

(Ya can’t fire me twice lol)

Posted On: 5 Feb, 2019 at 12:17 AM Singleman72 Singleman72
16 Feb, 2013
Posts: 811

Avaa darlin, did I tell you lately that youse were Cute.. Boston Bird rings a bell, I thought he vanished long time ago...