How much per month?   Reply to topic

Posted On: 27 May, 2010 at 02:55 AM Hiwayman55 Hiwayman55
17 May, 2008
Posts: 218

People give you the content for free. You have more paying members and more visitors that generate revenue for other sites.
Did I mention people give you the content for free?

2 $300 1st place
1 $200 1st place
2 $150 1st places
1 $100 1st place
1 Free pass 1st place
2 $200 2nd places
1 $150 2nd places
3 $100 2nd places
1 Free Pass 2nd place
4 $100 3rd places
3 Free pass 3rd places
7 Free pass 4th places

$480 for 12 free passes + $600 + $200 + $300 + $100 + $400 + $150 + $300 +$400 = $2930

You guys still saying you pay out $5000 every month…....Priceless.

Did I mention the content you charge people to look at is given to you for free? Would the corollary to not binding the mouths of the kine that tread the grain be not binding the mouths of the ladies who bring in paying customers?

Posted On: 30 May, 2010 at 07:30 AM Hiwayman55 Hiwayman55
17 May, 2008
Posts: 218

Good point. Plus I just renewed. $49.95. A 25% increase in cost with a 40% decrease in prizes………….priceless……………NOT!

Posted On: 2 Jun, 2010 at 06:37 AM swingcouple1 swingcouple1
15 Dec, 2008
Posts: 3

+1 Not cool!

Posted On: 3 Jun, 2010 at 02:35 PM therealed therealed
19 Nov, 2008
Posts: 409

Oki doki.

Can I just clear this up.

We award over the equivalent of over $4000 each month. Which is what it says on the page:

Your math is way off. For example, it is $49.95 for a premium pass (which is still $20 less than the old too-blue and arkology cost together), so 12 X $49.95 is nearly $600.

Also, we are currently running a PV Banner contest, which we have given away merchandise and prizes for.

Also, in running various theme contests throughout the year, we also award a lot of extra cash there. The Miss PV one for example had over $2000 as a prize fund!!

If you feel we are somehow undercutting you, or not being fair, IN AWARDING OVER $50,000 EVERY YEAR...then I think you are being overly harsh.


Posted On: 4 Jun, 2010 at 11:33 AM Hiwayman55 Hiwayman55
17 May, 2008
Posts: 218

My point is that you used to pay $1000 per month for hardcore and amateur both plus there were specialties almost every month. You also paid more for the videos. At the time of the first post in this thread, it still said $5000 every month and the Web Cam contest had not been added.. Now that it says $4000 and you have added another prize category, I won’t challenge that or argue the point. Thank you for adding more cash prizes.

Posted On: 9 Jun, 2010 at 05:41 AM eyeballs eyeballs
16 Oct, 2009
Posts: 358


although, angliagirl DOES make a valid & interesting point.
she & her favorite photographer (as well as many others)are contributing content to this community.

my fitness center gives me 30 free days when i refer someone else who joins.
my dentist gave the person who referred me 10% off AND me 10% off forever, for being a referred patient. my barber gives me a break as well as my baker & florist both. it's good business.

am i getting rich from these discounts?...let's be serious!
but it's a nice courtesy.
the business knows that i am happy with their product/service & want them to succeed. in turn they let me know that they appreciate it.

you've been using jess88 & others as "featured profiles" on various sections.
yet, jess & family have no premium access (they're struggling to raise 2 children. no money left over for frivolity).

defend yourself as you wish, that doesn't even sound ethical. that's USING people. now, let's be clear, i believe PV to be a marvelous value. you've created a wonderfull community. when i signed up, the offer was for the old price. for some reason it didn't process correctly & i was charged the new price. i never complained because it is STILL a fair bargain!

a business can be so complicated that sometimes we can miss important details (we've ALL done it, repeatedly, to our own dismay).

i have no money invested in your business, therefor i have no intention to tell you how to run it.

here are some of my "outsider's" suggestions for your consideration. keep in mind, that the line is long out on the sidewalk to tell you how to run your business, but few of those have ever operated a business themselves.

no business can help Society if they are bankrupt, so let's not give the store away. profit is not a dirty word, it is how healthy commerce is conducted.

A) a contribution that gets votes above a 6 gets a 14 day premium member access (as a "congratulations" NOT as a "thankyou").

B) photo sets scoring above 7.5 receive 30 day premium access.

no such awards for "instant pics". the above is a recognition, a courtesy & a motivator to make an effort to submit quality pics.

i see many contributors who submit a couple sets then languish into zero.
1 set every 6 mos = 30 days premium access.
1 set every 3 mos = 60 days " " .
(the above only applies to contributions scoring ...or higher (don't know what you'd want to use as your threshhold...above 6 sounds reasonable to me)

this creates a whole new level of competition/motivation at almost no cost to the company. same concept could be used to encourage specific themes like nude snow pics, etc.

there's plenty to consider & modify to what works for you.

but honestly, when you show women like jess88 & others as "featured profiles", don't you think you've fallen short in making them feel welcome & thanking them for their effort in some way? ( like a nice sweatshirt with a subdued PV on it???)