I've been viewing the site for quite awhile and finally decided to check the forums out. From the looks of things, there isn't much activity here. Are the forums new? Revamped maybe and old posts were nuked? I was kinda hoping to find some like-minded folks to "chat" with.
Me too.
The forums have been revamped and all the old post have been "nuked" as you say. The new forum is not real user friendly in my opinion, it seems too difficult to keep track of new posts and threads. I would like to see the old forum system put back in place. A couple of more categories would be nice also. Although on second thought, it seems that not many people pay any attention to what category they post their threads in.
Hi guys,
Hope you are all finding these better now.
What you need are a few Super Characters, like me but...been there, done that...no time anymore.
Well what would U like to discuss???
Well....anytime two people get together and chat, they're having a conversation. Add a few more people to the mix and guess what? You've got a discussion going on!!
so I guess we are having a discussion on discussing a discussion??
Who wants to discuss Michael J. ?
Well, I don't!!! Sorry!!!
I have no idea what the Michael J comment means