Never mind the quality, feel the width?
Something Mots can only say about his tongue 🤣🤣🤣
Psssst, here,
Maps for sale for those guys that need a little direction on finding that magic squeal spot.
oh my lord
out of the blue
Ava dear
GPS doesn't work in the valleys.
Do we have to go to the hardcore section to get the maps? Is this like Google earth with terrain view? Just location overlay? I cannot wait to see you ladies sharing each of your perfect locations with us!
Mots, some men couldn't find with a map and a sherpa.
Lol @ Google earth for pervs!
Nopes gives tours of the valley? Damn, sherpas have a whole new usefulness now.
just call me sherpa!
JB, i think it is a mountain guide...the kind that follows the mountain goats and sheep...
Gold star Mots