A very erotic story from the pen of Nenuphar   Reply to topic

Posted On: 19 Mar, 2011 at 08:49 PM noisier noisier
25 Jul, 2010
Posts: 1

“Oh god...”

“Shut up” I snap.

“But... he is going to put it in you again, please stop him, it's disgusting”.

“Look, it's just a fuck OK? Why do you always fuss so?”.

“It's not at all just a fuck, it's him and you know how you hate him”.

“Look”, I snap, “when did I last get a hot dick filling my pussy... two weeks, more? Last time he was here, that’s when! Shut up OK, or he will piss off before I can feel him cumming inside me”.

“I really don’t understand why you have to allow such a gross human being to invade your body. You have me after all”

I sigh. “You're real sweet but I need sex with others”

“But I please you... I know what it is that you like... that you need. Don't I make you moan and beg for more?” “Don't I make you cum so hard, when there is no one else, what else is there?”

“Yes you do” I admit, “You really are a terrific lover, and yes, you know all the spots on my body that send me crazy when you work them”. “And yes, I cant wait till your hands caress my body, my tits, my pussy”.

“Then why oh why do you allow what is happening right now?” This horrible man with his dick inside your ass making your pretty face contort? I cant believe that you enjoy what he does”.

The dick deep in my ass fills it, opening up my innards with such pleasurable pain. I gasp a breath, willing him to cum in me, once or more. I need too, my pussy filled to the brim with his meat, pounding me in his impersonal way.

I drag air into my bursting lungs, “I am sorry but you cant give me what he gives me”.

“But he is so brutal, he uses you like a human plastic doll, takes no account of your feelings. Oh god how I wish I could stop this”.

Through my masochistic pleasure I smile, this is what I want, what I need, raw fucking, no false love or pretensions. So the guy smells, so his breath is rank, we never kiss anyway... it is his thick tool that I demand and in any hole. When he fucks my mouth I gag on the awful taste but I must have it, to bring it to that wondrous point when I can swallow all the cum that has built up in his balls.

“You have no thought for me at all... you know how I hate all this, I cant stand the pain, it was good when you fucked good, honest, kind men who cared, who made love to you, who...

“Shut the fuck up”, I snap, now, even in my deepest enjoyment I am getting angry, “why don’t you fuck off for ever, I hate you, I don’t want you here”.

“Ha ha ha, oh babe you are stuck with me, you will never get rid of me, we are as one, ha ha ha, isn’t schizophrenia wonderful, it keeps us together. You are here in this institution forever and only this fucking monster of an orderly will ever fuck you, but my, our, fingers will make love to us.

wc 571

Posted On: 19 Mar, 2011 at 09:00 PM nenuphar nenuphar
6 Mar, 2011
Posts: 4

Thank you for your help noisier

Posted On: 20 Mar, 2011 at 09:51 AM eyeballs eyeballs
16 Oct, 2009
Posts: 358

that wuz the trational end to a news soty so the printers would know.
nice tight disciplined writing. every sentence is another mental picture.
most fantasy writing is so long & boring it only entertains the compulsive soul that wrote it.

we should move on to the next chapter...she needs enemas for her good health.agreed?
should we begin with cold or hot??
maybe switching between the two would be best. she's so CUTE when she tosses a hip!!...

carry on! stay in touch!...eyeballs

Posted On: 21 Mar, 2011 at 12:25 PM nenuphar nenuphar
6 Mar, 2011
Posts: 4

Thank you eyeball,
Good to know that it pleased you, all my others are much longer, (self-indulgent??), will post soon.