fuck!! now 'wtf" has so many new meanings wth!!! with wtf!!! fuck!! and no matter the order you put the "fuck" or "what" it still makes fucking sense totally. fuck what a word. See right there it just popped up and I didn't even try. fuck!!! :)
Fuck! only if you insist Squrtz.
fuck it..im ready
fuck!! :) ummmm how did I miss that one, I'm a slippn lol, I'm gunna add a "fuck" to sue's post the 9th from here, there all better it's fixed!!! :) well fuck!! I say..
cheers xxoo
I fucking hope so...we all fucking miss you. Fucking eh
Im calling bull fucking shit...what the fuck. No fucking chat. fuck me
well fuck is right chat is down and i was going to cam.. fuck!! i told em... see if its fixed here soon, probably not since its late across the pond,... they all in bed. fuck!!
are you fucking kidding me....missing a double feature of two hotties on fucking cam. what the fuck..fix the fucker is right. FUCK
lol fuck!! way to be on it hangin lol. I appreciate the back up!! It may have been days before I caught it and we can't let a no fuck go by that long. fuck!!
cheers xxoo :)
Add a "fuck" to the second one from bottom on page 92 , lol Fixed! all better!! that was a close one, fuck!!!! Yes do give a fuck when you can too, that's always nice. :)
cheers xxoo