three soldiers were dismissed from services in iraq. they reported to the captain who told them that they were honoured for their excellent service and their bravery in the past. they would be measured and receive 10'000$ for each inch. so the captain steps up to the first soldier and asks him how he wants to be measured. the soldier replies: "from head to toe, sir!" the captain measures him and he receives his money.
then he steps up to the second soldier and asks him how we wants to be measured as well. he thinks for a bit then he stretches out his arm and says: "from the tip of my finger to my toes, sir!". again he gets measured and receives his money.
then he steps up to the third soldier, an older black guy who seems to have seen many battle fields during his years of duty. he asks him again, how they shall measure him. the black soldier replies: "from the tip of my cock to my balls, sir!". the captain hesitates for a second then asks him, if he's sure about his choice. the soldier just nods and drops his pants.
the captain starts measuring at the tip of his penis and when he reaches the end of it he stops and asks the soldier: "but, where are your balls, soldier?". the soldier replies: "sir, in vietnam, sir!"
good one. thx