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Posted On: 1 Jan, 2011 at 03:53 AM longneck69 longneck69
18 Nov, 2010
Posts: 4

A man is walking along the beach and finds a bottle, picks it up cleans it off and opens it, A genie appears from it and looking at the man say's "you have released me from my prison and for that I will grant you one wish, Choose wisely, The man thinks for a few seconds and say's, Well I live here in L.A. and my family lives in Honolulu and I'm scared to death of flying so I havent seen them in ten years I want you to build a bridge from LA to Honolulu, The Genie looks at the man and say's I can do that, If thats what you want, But it will create many problems, It will disrupt shiping lanes coral reefs and sea ecology in general but if thats what you want I can do it, the man thinks for a few more seconds and say's "no your right its a bad idea" the genie looks at the man and says then what is your wish, the man thinks for a few seconds more and say's I want you to give me the ability to know how women think, The genie looks at the man and say's,"so you want that bridge two lanes or four".