Folks, grab a cup of coffee, settle in and let me tell ya a story with a moral.
One bright sunny day, a fly was flying along and enjoying the freedom of flight when all of a sudden he runs smack into a spider's web. Fearfully he looks around and sees the spider sleeping. He struggles and struggles and the web starts to break away and he is left dangling over a stream.
Well, there was this salmon in that stream and he sees the fly and says to himself, when that web breaks, I'm going to have lunch. See he continues circling under that fly.
Unbeknownst to the salmon, there was a bear in the bushes and he sees the fly, then he sees the salmon. He thinks to himself, when that web breaks, the fly will drop, the salmon will jump out of the water, I'll snatch that salmon and I'm going to have lunch.
Just a little ways down the stream is a hunter. He see the fly, the salmon, and the bear. Well, he thinks to himself. When the web breaks, the fly will drop, the salmon will jump, and that bear is going to snatch the salmon, I'm going to shoot me a bear and make love to my girl on his skin in front of the fireplace.
Sitting there in the weeds below the hunter is a mouse and he sees a peanut butter sammich ready to fall out of the hunters back pocket. The mouse thinks to himself. Hummm, when the web breaks, the fly will drop, the salmon will jump, that bear will grab the fish, the hunter is going to shoot, and that peanut butter sammich will fall out of his back pocket and I'm going to get lunch.
Now, off to the side is this big ole, hungry, pussy cat. He sees all that is going on and thinks. When the web breaks, that fly will drop, the fish will jump, the bear will grab, the hunter will shoot, that sammich will fall, the mouse will scurry, and I will pounce and have me a good lunch.
Then it happens!
The web breaks. The fly was falling, the salmon launched itself into the air, the bear reached out with his mighty paw, the hunter shot, the sammich fell out, the mouse jumps towards the sammich, and the cat leaps! All having good thoughts running through their head. Then it happens..............................................................................the fly flies off, the salmon shifts trying to catch the fly, the bear turns, the hunter misses his shot, the sammich falls a little to the left, the mouse overruns the sammich, and the leaping cat misses the mouse and lands in the stream.
So, what do you think the moral of the story is?
When the fly drops, the pussy gets wet!
: )
Well. pink, cute for the cutie. : )